




Access Bank’s strategic direction is predicated on two long term trends...

Our Strategy

Access Bank’s strategic direction is predicated on two long term trends:

  • Ghanian economic development and wealth creation driven by demographics and urbanization, and
  • Increased trade between African countries and between Africa and the rest of the world especially Asia
Based on the long term trends identified and Access Bank's competitive position, our strategy is divided broadly into:

SBU focus on the
'Value Chain' model


Management applies a value chain model ('VCM') as a key competitive differentiator to acquire and retain market share. by aiming to develop and align products and services to the activities of its corporate clients and their various stakeholders in the value chain.

Focus on key areas of
growth within Ghana


Management intends to focus on key areas of economic growth within Ghana by providing premium services to the corporate institutions in the oil and gas, power, telecommunications, manufacturing,, mining and project and infrastructure finance sectors.
Expanding in the SME space focusing on specific sectors which provides the Bank wants to target in order to become the Bank of choice for SMEs.

Improve operational


Management believes that the Group has the management capability and expertise to achieve its desired growth while ensuring that operating efficiencies are improved.
Specifically, Access Bank intends to (i) control its cost base (ii) improve efficiency business process

Consolidate existing
footprints in key
economic zones


While Access Bank is focusing on Nigeria as its primary market, it also seeks to extends its operations to select high impact African economies such as Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, and leverage the UK as a trade transaction hub.
Trade flows between Nigeria and other sub saharan African countries have increased and this will enable Access Bank to derive the expeced synergies