We are not only in business to maximise shareholders’ value; we consider the social and environmental impact of every aspect of our banking operations.
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To be the world’s most Respected African Bank.
The Bank’s Sustainability strategy is focused on supporting the Bank’s vision of being the world’s most respected African bank, and enables the Bank to finance and facilitate brighter futures for all of its stakeholders, through innovative services and best in class operations. The strategy is hinged on:
By focusing and applying our resources and experience, we have become a powerful force in managing operational impact of business on the environment by mainstreaming environmentally friendly policies into our business.
In our journey to becoming a truly sustainable enterprise, our Bank has taken a look beyond direct operations and deep into supply chain. We continue to influence the behaviour of suppliers by enforcing policies covering human rights, labour, and environment.
We have continued to attain business unit buy-in for a broad Environmental and Social Risk Management (ESRM) Policy which is applied in our lending decision. We also continue to pursue our aspiration to be the employer of choice in the communities where we operate.
Putting the community at the centre of everything we do is critical to our success. Our business is focused on listening to the needs of the communities in which we operate and providing genuine solutions that help improve such communities.
At Access Bank, the Board has governance oversight for sustainability management through an established Sustainability Committee, which provides the highest level of governance. The Sustainability Committee is responsible for overseeing the delivery of the Bank’s sustainable business strategy, to ensure the Bank’s sustainability ambitions in each of its strategic priorities are achieved. Access Bank Ghana is committed to implementing the best practice standards of corporate governance for sustainability. The Board is responsible for embedding high standards of Sustainability across the Group which is essential for the enterprise.
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